定海谈 | 亚裔美国人研究中的当代美国华裔文学问题

2016-07-24 定海桥互助社 定海桥 定海桥



讲述:金梦 Meng Jin



时间:2016.07.26 周二 19:00 - 22:00

地点:上海杨浦区定海港路252号 · 定海桥互助社


* 本活动语言英语为主,辅以中文



The talk will give a broad overview of the history and landscape of contemporary Chinese American literature, as well as some of the major theoretical questions that have arisen in Asian American studies in recent years. I'll discuss the work of well-known Chinese American authors such as Maxine Hong Kingston, Ha Jin, Yiyun Li, as well as non-Chinese Asian American writers Nam Le and Chang Rae Lee. Then I'll turn to the specific set of aesthetic and practical questions and challenges the Chinese American author faces. How does the hyphenated artist, writing outside the mainstream, negotiate identity, heritage, representation, and an industry and readership that still sees it as other?

金梦 Meng Jin

金梦生于上海,正在上海M on the Bund进行文学驻留。她在哈佛大学获学士学位,并在亨特学院获得艺术硕士。她曾获得坤蒂曼,佛蒙特艺术中心和赫奇布鲁克的奖学金。她的短篇小说发表在Ploughshares, the Masters Review, the Baltimore Review, Zymbol以及其他等处。在离开上海后,她将赴东英吉利大学继续写作深造。

Meng Jin was born in Shanghai and is currently back as this year's M on the Bund's literary resident. She has a BA from Harvard College and an MFA from Hunter College, and she has been awarded fellowships from Kundiman, Vermont Studio Center, and Hedgebrook. Her short fiction has been published in Ploughshares, the Masters Review, the Baltimore Review, Zymbol, and elsewhere. After leaving Shanghai, she will be the David TK Wong Fellow at the University of East Anglia. 



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